The EU Referendum: what will it mean for small businesses?
Employment Issues / In the News

The EU Referendum: what will it mean for small businesses?

Ahead of the EU Referendum on 23 June 2016, Sage UK invited its Business Experts and key figures from the business world to share their thoughts ahead of what will be a turning point for the country, for politics and for the economy.  Small business may feel any change more acutely than larger firms and companies … Continue reading

Facebook’s Zuckerberg hit by hack, but he should know better
Social Media

Facebook’s Zuckerberg hit by hack, but he should know better

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was hit by hackers over the past weekend, seemingly by using the same password for multiple accounts. Despite Facebook alerting users to the risks around online security in recent years, even deploying the ‘Zuckersaurus‘ to assist users with protercting their privacy, Zuckerberg fell foul to hackers.  Twice.  Allegedly this was because he used the same password … Continue reading